On-The-Go Security Advice For A Mobile Workplace

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There isn’t a business owner who doesn’t believe in workplace security. Whether it is digital or physical, every boss looks to cover all the bases. Unfortunately, lots of people don’t make the distinction when it comes to mobile technology. Over the past five years, mobile software has taken over the industry to the point where a company can’t survive without it. However, mobile tech is a gift and a curse because it has the potential to leave the firm open to attack. To avoid this scenario, this post is going to address the most common problems and how to avoid them.


Physical Access


You might assume that digital security would be first on the list, but you would be wrong. It doesn’t matter how much antivirus software you implement or how you encrypt your data if a person has physical access. Quite simply, it is a simple process to bypass a password, and even talented hackers can gain access to encrypted information. Therefore, the key is to ensure that employees never leave their devices behind when they are inside or outside the office. People who don’t abandon their phones in coffee shops or a taxi aren’t security risks.




Malvertising is the term coined for malware attacks through adverts on mobile devices. Because mobile users are subject to the same attacks as PC users, hackers have come up with a new strategy. In simple terms, hackers use spam or weaponized links through social media to gain access to the device. Malicious code, then, is a huge issue, and one which needs covering from a business’s perspective. Thankfully, the solution is simple: don’t click on links you don’t trust and access web pages through your email account. Also, think about the type of phone. Android users are more likely to suffer an attack as Android is the most popular operating system.


Classified Information


This method sounds like something out of a spy novel, but information classification isn’t only for the CIA. Nowadays, bosses and employees store data on their phone to make it easier to access. Unfortunately, it is also easy to access for hackers who know the security on a mobile device isn’t as strong. IC helps businesses avoid this issue through a variety of techniques. To begin with, it enforces a secure information sharing policy. Also, it enables users to identify mobile email sensitivity. Lastly, it can protect stored documents.


Communication Interception


The majority of mobile devices connect to the internet via a Wifi router. The problem here is that a cell phone or tablet is subject to the same vulnerabilities as the router itself. And, the software to hack into Wifi routers is available for digital thieves to take advantage of a lack of mobile security. The key is to secure the server from which the Wifi emits a signal to block access to third parties. Of course, a password and encryption are two good tools, but they are only a start. To ensure a data safety, you should randomise passwords on a weekly basis.


If you focus on mobile technology, these are security concerns to consider.

On-The-Go Security Advice For A Mobile Workplace