How Manufacturing Companies Can Reduce Their Environmental Impact

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you will know that the environment is now one of the most pressing issues of our time. But, what you may not realize is that your company has a responsibility to help deal with the crisis too.


Everyone has a moral duty to do their best for the environment. For consumers, this means making good choices through reducing their dependence on single-use items and thinking more carefully about the products they choose. For manufacturers, the game is slightly different. You are responsible for how a product is made, the impact it has and whether it is a good choice for the consumer.


So where should you start?

Minimize the Damage Your Business Causes

A major issue with all manufacturing processes is accidental environmental contamination. Soil pollution is a serious issue for the overall health of the planet and even if your site has always been used for manufacturing, it’s important that as little toxic waste enters the environment. Having a clear and efficient waste management process is essential for all businesses.


If you have had a leak, it is your responsibility to clear it up. Iron powder uses a chemical reaction designed specifically for groundwater and soil remediation so you might want to start here, depending on what the contaminant is.

Choose Renewable Materials

Plastic is an obvious problem at the moment and despite consumers’ efforts to reduce their own reliance on plastic, they can’t do that very well until manufacturers take a similar position. Even a switch from using virgin plastic to recycled plastic that can function within a circular economy is a huge shift towards greener solutions.


Choosing renewable materials is essential in a world where we know sustainability has to become a priority. While other businesses and companies show off their greener manufacturing processes and new sustainable materials, you don’t want to get left behind.

Increase Your Efficiency

Read any business improvement blog and the word efficiency is bound to come up but in this case, efficiency isn’t just about boosting your profits but using what you have more effectively. For example, if you are cutting pieces out of a material to create a product, the more pieces you can make, the less waste you will produce. This is why laser cutting is so popular.


Increasing your efficiency may also reduce the amount of energy you require, giving you a valuable opportunity to move to greener energy sources. Furthermore, increasing your efficiency will give you more room to expand your business without having to move premises or take on more staff.


The environmental impact of businesses is now a top concern amongst consumers who are more aware of the impact they have than ever before. While public awareness is at a peak, businesses and governments are, on the whole, failing to keep up with demands for more environmentally-friendly solutions, technologies and products. You may not be able to solve the environmental crisis by yourself but you can certainly become a part of the solution.

How Manufacturing Companies Can Reduce Their Environmental Impact