Key Signs Your Startup Has A Healthy Working Culture

When you are just in the process of setting up a business, one of the most important aspects is the people. This actually continues to be the case even with larger companies. But it is particularly true in the early days, and for smaller businesses. In smaller businesses, each member of staff is even more important. This is why you want to make sure that everyone is happy to work for you. Having a positive and healthy working culture is the way to achieve this – and it is also the product of it. If you are wondering how you can ensure that you have a positive working culture, it is mostly a matter of practice. With time, you will find a rhythm that works in your own office, and your people will feel a bit happier for it. Let’s take a look at some key signs that your working culture is one to be envied.


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You Have A Low Turnover

If ever you needed concrete evidence of somewhere that people love to work, this is it. Having a low turnover means that your employees are happy enough that they are willing to stay there for the duration. This is hugely beneficial for your business too, as long-term employees are much more valuable than those who flit in and out. Long-term employees put the hours in to learn new skills and to get to know the company. This sets them apart from those who are just there for the work. It is these people whom you want to keep around. Doing so will, in turn, contribute even more positively to the working culture itself.

The Communication Is Free-Flowing

There is a certain aspect in which you want your office to be highly social. Of course, you don’t’ want it to get in the way of the work. But you need your employees to be happy to work there, and that means being open and communicative. This is likely to make a big difference – but how can you encourage it? One key step to take here is to ensure that your IT is set up to best favour this kind of open communication between teams. This will help the actual processes in the office as well as keeping people happy. Consider getting some IT consulting on the subject of installing communications solutions. They should be able to tell you what is best for your own unique situation.


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Accountability Is Automatic

In a positive working culture, everyone is happy to be made accountable for their work. This means that everyone in the office knows what is theirs, is happy to put their name on it, and doesn’t cut corners. This is a strong sign of a great culture, as it means that nobody is hiding anything. This happens all too often, and too easily, and before long it can lead to severe problems in the business. Make sure that everyone is accountable for their work in your business. This will contribute to everyone feeling the same level of respect – and that is no bad thing.

Key Signs Your Startup Has A Healthy Working Culture