Make Your Business More Marketable With These Simple Tips

Be honest – how marketable is your business? There are many guides online about how to use marketing to grow your business and reach out to a larger audience, but, ultimately, if your brand, product or service looks weak, inadequate, and ineffective, no amount of advertising is going to help. With this in mind, we thought we would go through a few of the things you can do to improve your brand’s marketability.


Don’t forget, whatever industry you are in, there will be a lot of competition, and it’s vital that you stand out for the right reasons. Making a move to create a more marketable business than you have right now will help you discover your identity, find your value, and reveal your differentiation. Let’s take a look at everything you need to consider.



Looks can kill


A shoddy-looking business will die on its feet faster than you can say ‘three piece suit.’ So, first of all, how does your company appear to your target market? The image of your brand is critical if you want your business to be marketable, so it’s vital you take steps towards improving your appearance. It goes for everything from your online presence to the way you dress, so sharpen up your act. Dress appropriately – as if you mean business. Stop using poor quality templates for your website, and hire a designer instead. And keep your offices clean and tidy at all times, as you never know who might turn up unannounced.


Develop your message


A simple one-liner to describe what you do is critical if you want to be more marketable as a business. What is it that you do well, and marks you apart from every other business in your industry? And how can you explain that to people in the most basic terms, so they understand instantly why they want to do business with you? Breaking down your message into a simple and effective strapline is a lot tougher than you might think, but it will provide the foundation for all your marketing going forward.



Add value


You can increase the value to your business offer by doing a whole bunch of different things. Mix up your media presence – find a suitable social media channel that fits with your business goals as well as having a website. Look into custom mobile application development and develop an app, which can help you attract and retain new customers. Consider offering different levels of service, too. You might provide customers with premium services, for example, or give them a budget option which scales back the service you provide for those that can’t afford the standard service. There’s a lot that you can do that gives your customers extra value, so think creatively and come up with a solution that is tailor-made for their needs.


Bring in a fresh pair of eyes


It can be tough to be objective when you look at your business from the owner’s perspective. After all, you spend your entire life ingrained in the day-to-day running of the company and know it intimately from the inside out. However, a fresh pair f eyes can give you a new perspective on your business. Hiring a consultant, for example, will reveal areas of your business that might be failing that you just haven’t seen. Finally, they can also explain how you can take your business forward, in ways you couldn’t imagine. Good luck!


Make Your Business More Marketable With These Simple Tips