Make More, Spend Less: Could Your Business Be More Efficient?

In business, there’s a fine line between success and failure, and ultimately, the outcome will depend on the numbers on your balance sheets. Increasing sales is a surefire way to maximize profits, but it’s not the only way of generating more money. Most businesses could change the way they work in order to make more and spend less. If you’re a new business owner or you’ve been running a company for a while, and you haven’t quite achieved the numbers you wanted, it’s worth asking if your business could be more efficient.

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Your staffing structure

Most firms devote a substantial amount of their income to staff wages. If you run a business, it’s essential to find the right balance between managing a slick operation and spending too much on salaries. You need to make sure that you have the right people for the job and sufficient staffing levels, but you don’t want to be in a situation where you’ve got too many members of staff and not enough work to go round. If you are thinking of hiring new recruits, ensure you use effective selection processes and go for the candidates who have drive and determination, as well as the relevant qualifications and expertise. If sales are increasing, but you don’t want to take on full-time members of staff, there are other options. Hiring freelancers enables you to access the skills you need without adding to the payroll over a prolonged period of time. It’s also worth considering recruiting for part-time jobs or more flexible contracts. This is particularly beneficial if you take on projects, which will increase the workload over a set period of time.


Technology is increasingly valuable, and in many cases, it can complete jobs faster and more accurately than an employee. Think carefully about how you could you cut costs and boost productivity by utilizing advanced technology. Of course, there are many instances where it’s hugely beneficial to have a team around you, but there’s no point in employing four members of staff to do a job that could be done quickly and cheaply by a machine or a computer system.

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Online services

Many modern businesses rely on technology to manage the day to day running of the business. Using software programs, computer systems, and multimedia technology, you can do everything from generating staff rotas and timesheets to logging calls, updating project progress and organizing meetings. More and more companies are also switching to services like online accountants. Using the Internet can save you time and money, and it also enables you to utilize services, which can be accessed by everyone in a secure environment. Online services also enable workforces to connect remotely, and they are accessible at all times.

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When was the last time you took a really good look at your sales figures or analyzed the findings of your latest customer satisfaction survey? Do you have processes in place to keep track of visitors to your website? Are you familiar with the conversion rate? Do you know how most people hear about your company? Analyzing trends and patterns is one of the most effective ways you can streamline your business and drive sales. There’s no point in wasting time and money on strategies that aren’t working or products that aren’t selling. If you’ve got a wildly successful Facebook campaign, but your SMS marketing strategy is getting you nowhere, this may indicate that it’s worth spending more on social media and cutting back on other techniques. If you’ve got a product range and you’ve got something that you can’t produce fast enough, focus on increasing production levels and narrow down the range. Putting your money and effort into a product that isn’t shifting will hold you back with items that are proving more successful. If you have an online marketing campaign, there are all kinds of tools you can use to see who’s visiting your website, what’s going on with your social media accounts and how you could improve in the future.

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If you own a business, your goal is probably to make as much money as possible. To do this, you’ll need to generate sales, but it’s also important to ensure that your company is efficient. If you’re spending more than you need to, your profits will suffer even if the tills are ringing. There are lots of different ways you can increase productivity without investing a huge amount of money, and it’s all about finding efficient, effective ways to run your business, market your products and services and ensure your staffing levels are suitable.


Make More, Spend Less: Could Your Business Be More Efficient?