Revealed: Your Business Utility Bills Are More Important That You Think

For people that have an office, they need to pay for various things. To start, you either pay rent or pay to own the property. Then, you have all the standard office supplies to buy and make the place your own. But, one thing people forget about is their office utility bills. That’s right; you’ll still need to pay for electricity, gas, and water. Sometimes, this is included in the rent price you pay. Often, it isn’t, and you need to find a good deal.


The reason this is so important is that office utility bills can be very costly. It’s not unheard of for a business to become insolvent thanks to high bills. Ridiculously high utility bills can mean you end up in debt, and your business struggles to make money.


Bearing this in mind, I have some advice to help you keep tabs on your bills. Check out the points below, and start saving money.



Conserve Water Usage

In general, water usage in an office is less than in a home. You don’t have a bath/shower, so, you save on water there. But, you can still have a sink that people leave running throughout the day. Likewise, your office may have a toilet too. To save as much money as possible, you need to conserve water usage. Consider things like flow meters that help you use less water when running a tap, etc. Every little helps, and it can go a long way to saving you a lot of money.

Energy Saving Lighting

Lights will be the main source of electricity usage in your office. A business will have its lights on from nine to five, Monday to Friday. As you can imagine, this uses up so much electricity and will cost an absolute fortune. One simple fix makes life a lot easier for you. Switch to energy saving lighting, and you’ll bring down the costs of your electricity. Special bulbs will use half as much power, and save you a fortune over time. Also, consider turning the lights off in the summer and let sunlight into the office.



Save Energy With Office Appliances

There are loads of electrical appliances you will need in your office. Most notably, computers, printers, etc. Like your lights, these tend to be turned on all day, every day. And, they can use up even more electricity, and be a huge burden on your bills. The thing is, there are easy solutions to conserve energy here. Firstly, consider using laptops instead of computers. These can be charged up and used without a power source. As a result, you save electricity. Secondly, simply unplug and turn off anything that’s not currently in use. I’m talking about that printer or photocopier that no one’s used for a couple of hours. Turn it off, save energy, save money.


Your business utility bills are far more important than you might think. With this advice, you can help get control of them. Reduce the costs and your business will feel a weight off its shoulders.


This article was provided by ellie jo

Revealed: Your Business Utility Bills Are More Important That You Think