Do Right By Your Employees – A Simple Guide

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Doing right by your employees is the least you could do. After all, while you are paying them, and while a mutual contract is agreed in terms of services exchanged, the social, emotional and ethical responsibility is one you to ensure that your workplace is supportive and a good place to be. Reputations build this way, but so do friendships, and so do memories. Think about all the things you do that aren’t perhaps stipulated in a contract. There might not be a rule as to how many waste bins you need in a large office space. If you wanted to save some dollars, you could only situate one at the front of the room, leading to a twenty-second walk both ways for an employee trying to get rid of an item. However, that would be insane, and we’re all aware that a healthy office environment means providing support to your employees, especially where wastebaskets are concerned.


But how does this translate on the macro scale? How can you truly do right by your employees, with a real sense of dedication and pride in the maintenance you offer? Consider our advice:




Your staff are obviously well-intentioned, but HR can keep them in line. This sounds quite aggressive when written in that way. However, it’s important to know that no matter how professional the social makeup of your firm, human relationships can always get in the way. Workplace bullying, harassment and many other problems can occur in even the best firms and require a sharp eye to resolve. This means investing in a competent HR department is appropriate. They can also serve as eligible schedule managers, and to help staff come through any difficulties they may face at work.


For example, highly stressful industries can sometimes have a large and negative impact on employees, and that’s no good. It’s important for a competent HR team to always be reachable to help employees conduct their best work from the offset, and ensure nothing of value is lost.




There may come a time where you need to let certain staff members go, be that through automation, or perhaps when conducting a merger or mass layoffs. For that reason, it’s essential to utilize quality outplacement services to ensure that they have adequate prospects afterward, as you help line up interviews, training opportunities or afford them the connections you have made as a firm in their favor. This can mean a big difference in the life of your staff members, and helps them consider your firm to be worth working hard for, as they know they’re going to be looked after. This can also help attract the brightest and best to your firm, because people with a upwards ambition will often be grateful if your firm is a stepping stone to express, train and develop their best work. Anyone who has been laid off can understand the excellence of providing a service like this.


With these simple two tips, doing right by your employees is sure to be on the road to perfection.


Do Right By Your Employees – A Simple Guide