Six Things Customers Really Don’t Like About Your Business

man in gray button up shirt

Unsplash – CC0 Licence


No business wants to believe that its customers don’t like it. But, unfortunately, that’s the sad reality for most firms. They simply don’t meet the expectations of the people they serve. 


The trick here is to figure out exactly what it is that people don’t like, and improve on it. Therefore, in this post, we run through your audience’s chief complaints and what you can do about them.


You Think You’re Always Right


We’ve all experienced what it’s like to interact with a business that’s all high and mighty, thinking that it’s right about everything. Individually, we know how annoying it can be. 


Unfortunately, this same attitude is one that we can take when we run our own businesses. We think we know what’s best for customers, and nothing can change our minds. 


Of course, the truth is that only customers know what’s best for them. All we can do is guess. 


You Don’t Listen


Customers don’t mind brands making mistakes, so long as they listen to feedback. When they fail to do so, that can be a real cause for consternation. Audiences want you to take them seriously, not just pass them off as deluded. 


You Don’t Make Things Easy On Your Website


As sites like point out, all successful businesses have great websites that make it easy for customers to buy products and services. However, even today in 2022, there are still firms making a mess of it. Visitors can’t find basic contact information, instructions on how to book services, or easy gateways for product payments. 


You Trash Talk On Social Media

skeleton wearing eyeglasses and blue collared top

Unsplash – CC0 Licence


The majority of the world’s most successful brands do not trash talk on social media. Instead, they maintain their regular, professional corporate voice, no matter how they might feel about a particular issue or situation personally. Of course, there are rare exceptions to this, but they are few and far between. 


Avoid trash talking when possible. It comes off as aggressive, and customers might think that you are insecure. Focus on uplifting messages, even if sometimes you’re tempted to do the opposite. 


You Distrust Customers


Generally speaking, customers aren’t a bad bunch. Most aren’t trying to screw you out of your profits or margins. They just want good service.


However, if you distrust customers, they’ll start wondering what’s going wrong, particularly if they’ve been a client for many years. They’ll wonder why you still don’t trust them to pay you what they owe at the end of the month, and why you’re still asking for prepaid fees. 


You Act Like You’re Hard To Get


While making yourself appear busy and exclusive might be good for your branding if you’re ultra-successful, it doesn’t make much sense if you’re a hum-drum business personality. When it’s difficult for customers to get you on the line, they can feel put out. 


Don’t act hard to get, says Instead, just provide customers with services when they ask for them. They will appreciate that and go away with the belief that you’re reliable. 

Six Things Customers Really Don’t Like About Your Business