Six Tips To Be More Employable

The unemployment rate has steadily been reducing over the past couples of years, with each passing year proving better than the last. However, there are still sectors in the job market that are experiencing a glut of job seekers. Consequently, the employers can be very picky all in an effort to ensure that they get the best team members amongst their personnel. As such, the completion for such positions is extremely high. Nonetheless, when you position yourself well, you improve the chances of being successful in your search for a job. Herein we will explore just how you can do this.


#1. Always Write A Customized Resume


The era of one-resume-fits all job application is over. Cooker-cutter resumes no longer work, and employers are particularly keen on disregarding them. Consider this, if an employer receives numerous tailored resumes and cover letters, why should they bother inviting job applicants who have not taken their time to invite for the job interview, let alone give you the job. Employers more often than not easily notice applicants who are willing to go the extra mile to explain why they are the best fit for the job.


To this end, take your time to read and understand each and every aspect of the job you are applying for. Of critical importance is to understand the duties and responsibilities that the job comes with. Thereafter, when applying for the job, focus on the skill that will distinguish you as a perfect fit for the job. Emphasis your unique experience and traits that make you the best match for the position.


For instance, when applying for a sale position, focus on previous sales experience, accolades you have received while undertaking sales, special training in sales that you have undertaken, action-oriented tasks that you have successfully undertaken in the past, as well as duties and responsibilities that you were charged with on your previous job. However, if doing this proves to be a daunting task, you are better off consulting a professional resume writer.


#2. Further Your Education


In a competitive job application process, it is the best applicants who usually carry the day. With this in mind, it does not hurt your chances of getting an interview and going furthest in the interview. With this in mind, try to further your education to make yourself more employable. It is not necessary for you to go back to school. Nonetheless, you can attend low-cost college evening classes, seminars, and workshops to expand brush up on your skills, and expand and improve your skillset. As such, while still searching for a job, do your research and find out the variety of “bonus” skills applicable in your field. For instance, if you’re working in construction then training for a site management safety training scheme will help


The less time and money that a company uses to train you the better it is for them. As such, they will be more inclined to hire a person with a robust set of skills or a person who can speak a second language. Furthermore, some of the bonus training will increase your latitude of growth within the company structure.


#3. Go Social


As you can appreciate, the social media is here to stay. In light of this, even if you are not an ardent media user, or simply hate exposing your life to the online realm, you need to appreciate that have a social media presence is improves your employability. As such, you need to maintain an online presence, especially on platforms such as LinkedIn.


Increasingly, more and more people are turning to online resources to post a job opening and to find qualified applicants. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of employers are shying away from job boards and presenting job opening on social media. On the other hand, some companies are using job agencies to scourer the internet to find highly qualified personnel. To this end, there is an increasing number of people who receive job offers from companies based off of their online presence.


However, it is important to make sure that your online presence does not hinder you from getting a job. With this in mind, to improve your employability, refrain from posting controversial, drunken, unprofessional, and other unsavory posts.


#4. Remain Positive All Along While Searching For Job


It is common to feel discouraged by being turned down successively. The situation is downright disappointing and heart-wrecking. However, in the interest of maintaining your employability, you should always carry with you a positive attitude.


A negative attitude usually translates to a lack of confidence and lackluster demeanor towards the job you are applying. It stands to reason that an employer will choose for an applicant who seems excited about the job and is looking forward to getting down with the job when given the job than an applicant who does not seem excited and is lacking in confidence. Therefore, maintain a positive attitude all along.


#5. Improve Your Interview Skills


Getting an interview is only the first part of getting a job. You need to ace your interview. To this end, you need to improve your interview skill and ensure that your potential employer retains an interest in you. By now you might be familiar with the common interview questions such as: what are your strengths and weaknesses? What are long-term and short-term goals? How can you help this company succeed? For many applicants, they result in memorizing answers to these questions.


This might work. However, a better way to answer such question is by first finding out everything you can about the company, including its finances, latest news and articles, its development, and its history and answer the questions based on this information. Doing this shows that you are genuinely interested in the company.


Another way to improve your interview skill is to carry out a mock interview, with a keen interest in sharpening your skills on answering the top 30 or 40 questions in that particular field.


#6. Be Flexible


Be flexible with regards to salary and schedule to increase your employability. This does not mean that you should completely discard your aspiration, but rather be able to bend to the will of your potential employer just a little bit for you to land the job. An employer may be willing to offer you a $50,000 salary rather than your desired $55,000. Though this is less than you expected, being flexible enable you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Six Tips To Be More Employable