How Sophisticated Is Your Online Strategy?

Every company who has a presence online knows that it’s important to have a strategy in place, but sometimes it’s overlooked just how crucial it is to make sure that it’s done just right. Indeed, spend the time making sure that your online presence is watertight and you could be handsomely rewarded by new business – and ultimately profits. Conversely, ignore the web at your peril. While it’s always possible to reinvent yourself online, it is much easier to get it right in the first place – and then stay on top of it.



Giving Back Through Your Website


There’s some bad news: internet users don’t really want to hear about the type of things you’d really like to tell them about, such as how good your company is and why they should choose to give you money. Nope. Instead, they want to read and watch things that in some way benefits them, and with that in mind, you need to be luring them in stealthily by hosting great content on your site. This can be anything from how to guides to interesting videos or otherwise useful information. Having top quality content on your site will also help boost your search engine rankings. It’s all about creating a fantastic website, knowing that some visitors will become customers.


Making the Most of Data


There is no reason why, in this day and age, you should be doing, well, just about anything online without first looking at the data that is available. It can help everything, from conversions to making sure your ads are as effective as possible; take a read of the top tips for running Facebook ads and make sure that your next Facebook ad targets the right kinds of people. Ultimately, there’s data for everything – and it can really help you hone in on the people you should be targeting, reducing the amount of wasted money in the process.


Are You Mobile Friendly


You shouldn’t have just one online strategy, you should have several. The most common distinction is between mobile and desktop internet users, as these two do have big differences. If anything, your focus should be on mobile marketing, because that’s where most of the internet traffic is these days. Aside from the obvious – making your website mobile responsive, for example – you can ramp up your mobile marketing by playing up to the smartphone generation by creating an app (or advertising in other apps) and making sure your website comes up when a user uses voice commands to ask a question (which is increasing all the time).


Following Trends


Remember, your online strategy shouldn’t be static. The most effective characteristic you can give to your strategy is to make it fluid. Stay on top of the digital trends and you’ll always be on step ahead of the curve. If you know that videos are set to become far and away the biggest user of internet traffic, then you would invest in videos for your website, for example. It’s always a changing game – read and don’t be afraid to go in new directions!


How Sophisticated Is Your Online Strategy?