Starting Up On Social Media

So, you’ve started a business? Good for you. You’ve decided to go where many have failed, and that determination alone is an indicator that success could be waiting around the corner. Sadly, you’ve got a lot to do before you can get there.


Nowadays, more goes into making a successful business than ever. As well as thinking about your products and team, it’s crucial you think about things like your website and online sales. You also need to become a popular presence on social media sites. 


90% of social media users rely on these websites to communicate with brands. You could say, then, that you’re asking for failure by not getting on top here.


The trouble is that, much as you know social media matters, you have no clue what you should be posting there. Experienced individuals can, of course, guide you in the right direction, as can these three key areas of focus.


Let’s get personal


Ultimately, social media is about creating connections. That’s what makes a presence here so vital, and it’s going to generate loyal conversions down the line. As such, getting personal should be your first priority. It could be that you post pictures of your team or update about fun things in the office. You could even just focus on creating a consistent voice, either by entrusting this task to one member of your team or turning to an advertising agency like Beyond Communications who know precisely what it takes to achieve a tone people can trust. A dedicated team here can even reply to comments, taking that personal touch a step further and guaranteeing you see results from these efforts.

Person Using Smartphone

Image Credit: Omkar Patyane – CC0 License


Share and share alike


Social media also revolves a great deal around sharing. Mostly in business, this is a useful platform on which to share links to content elsewhere. Sharing every time you upload a new blog post, for example, can utilize that social audience. Equally, sharing links to other people’s content is guaranteed to create connections. This should lead other people sharing your content, allowing you to access new audiences with little legwork.


Let links do the talking


As with any business undertaking, the underlying purpose of a social media presence is to advertise products and make sure your business reaches its full potential. While most of your content should avoid straight out advertisements, then, you should aim to link back to your website or products at least once a week. Attempt to do this in ways that uniquely appeal to your social media audience, by offering tailored promotions or even providing ‘sneak-peaks’ of new products. Either way; turning your social media audience onto your company website is the only real chance you have at turning those leads into conversions.


Social media isn’t difficult to get your head around once you focus here. If you’re at a loss, take a look at what your competitors are doing. You can bet they’re incorporating each of these steps for a social media presence that pays. 


Starting Up On Social Media