Vlogs: The Personality Your Business Needs

Image source: Pixabay


Video is a medium that is probably the most innovative aspect of advertising in the last 70 years. The transition from billboards to video is a massive leap in turning a flat 2D item into a moving picture, we cannot imagine marketing without promoting ourselves with a video in one way or another. And as the formats and platforms in which we watch videos are changing, moving from television to streaming to catch-up television and YouTube, the more we have to figure out ways to keep customers engaged and hooked on our product. Enter the world of vlogging, this is essentially a “video blog.” Many companies are now harnessing the vlog as a way to increase their personality and marketability as a trusted brand. If you are a business that is looking for a method to bring more custom, creating a vlog is one essential idea to try.


To grow a business via vlogs, there are many different options to choose, and here are a few ideas that could benefit your company.


Customer Testimonials

With online shopping taking over physical stores in terms of the sheer amount, people are putting a lot of trust in a transaction process where there is no human interaction. The customer needs to know that they can trust to and you are a reputable business. Companies like Amazon have the seal of approval now, but they would have spent a lot of time building up the reliability of their brand. By having customer testimonials of products and services, this is showing that you value their input so much that you are presenting their opinions on your site. Customer service is the key to building empathy and trust.


Introduce Your Staff

Showing the people “behind the scenes” footage of the people that make your business thrive is a great approach to showcasing the human side of the business, and that you are not a faceless company. Putting a face to the name is and displaying the workplace culture will set you apart from the other businesses, because you are not just presenting a veneer, but are showing the inner workings too. A video marketing company can give you pointers when it comes to all of your output so you can improve your business image, and a video focusing on each department in the company is a way to humanize the organization.


Event Showcasing

Did your company attend or run an event recently, like a conference? It is a lovely way to show the dynamics and excitement your company can generate with a video cut together by a professional video marketing company, using editing techniques and styles to really make your business stand head and shoulder above the rest. What better way to show the human side of your company than by showing the business in full swing at a conference?


By showing these types of vlogs, you can improve on how transparent your company will appear to clients and customers. This helps to create trust, increased custom, and turn a bigger profit for your business.

Vlogs: The Personality Your Business Needs