Ways to Improve your Office Space to Maximize Productivity

The office space has a significant impact on your employees. From making them more or less productive to protecting their health and reducing stress levels. There are a lot of different ways you can improve your office space to create a more positive place you work. By making the office as pleasant as you possibly, you can improve their focus and maximize your results. Below are a few methods to improve your office space:

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Creating a space that is physically comfortable for your employees is essential. If the chairs they use are uncomfortable, you will lose a lot of time of people adjusting how they sit or getting up more often. Think of ergonomic chairs and adjustable desks first of all. Having these and performing desk assessments will ensure that your staff do not get injured from uncomfortable seating. Injuries can mean you lose staff to sickness too. It may also be an idea to allow your staff to bring in some personal effects such as photos of their family or pets to make it seem more homely.


Ambient Temperatures 

You need to ensure that the heating and cooling systems are working effectively so that you can maintain a constant ideal temperature for your employees. The wrong heating conditions negatively impact productivity. Try getting rid of any drafts by using door gap fillers and ensuring your windows are double-glazed. You could also add pot plants, which help keep inside spaces ambient. They also look good, enhance mood and improve air quality, so you get a multi-effective result with plants. 


Use Color

Color has a huge impact on our mood. A wise business owner will incorporate the right colors into the workspace to promote productivity. Greens and blues are great examples of this. You could either look to repaint the office space or you could use the artwork. 


Maximize Light

Are you making the most of the natural light coming into the office space? Dark and dingy office spaces do not promote a positive mindset. It would help if you enhanced the natural light coming in so staff can see properly, and did you know natural light is a mood booster anyway. There are many ways you can create more light. First, ensure that nothing is blocking the windows, using doors with windows in them, any partitions have windows too, maybe you could add a few skylights. You could even think about adding mirrors to walls to reflect the light. Additionally, ensure you have enough light fixtures and use energy-efficient LED lighting when it comes to your internal lighting. LED lighting imitates natural light so it is a great addition to any workspace.



If you don’t do so already, you should offer staff teas and coffees. Stimulation of this kind is a huge booster for everyone. Pretty much everyone has a coffee to keep them going. You could also think about providing some sort of snack. Perhaps fruit is the best option. This promotes more healthy wellbeing and prevents staff from going hungry. Small things such as this can really enhance the workspace for your staff. 

Ways to Improve your Office Space to Maximize Productivity