Avoiding The Worst Marketing Tropes



When building your business, you’re going to have to get to grips with the marketing world and build your own campaign pretty quickly. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t fall into the same pitfalls as many other companies, big and small, have fallen into before you. Marketing can be a fantastic thing to get your business off the ground and into people’s lives. It can also be a bag of over-used and pointless tricks that people are immune to seeing. We say immune because think about how many emails, adverts and blogs that you scroll through on your phone every day – now think about how many of those intrigue you or stick in your mind. You don’t even register the one that doesn’t leap out at you – you have become immune.


One Or The Other


This being physical marketing or digital marketing agency. Quite often you will come across advice blogs telling you that you don’t need to waste your money on physical marketing in this day and age. But is it a waste if it gets you where you need to be? It’s true that digital marketing has become more important for a business, however combining the two will give you a much larger reach and can be a lot more beneficial. Don’t discount it out of hand.




When you send an email containing a ‘gift’ to your loyal client, giving them 10% off or a buy one, get one free voucher code – you’re not giving them a gift. All you are doing is driving more sales for yourself. It sounds good on paper, but, in reality, customers are catching on and don’t like it. When you give a gift as a promotion for your company – make sure it is a gift. Look at Paperchase or the Bodyshop; both give a monetary value directly onto the customer’s loyalty card for their birthdays – no strings attached.




Leave clickbait to BuzzFeed. When writing a blog for your company site, you want it to be relevant to what your business is all about and relevant to what is going on in the world right now. An auto repair shop posting a blog in the middle of winter, about the best way to make your summer garden bunny friendly, isn’t relevant at all. Avoid the ‘top tips’ titles too; you might be giving tips within your blog, but the title, like clickbait ‘guess who’  titles, just doesn’t work anymore. They have been so overused that people just skim past them.


Misaimed Audience


Many businesses are more concerned about getting as many people to see their ad than who sees it and just cast a wide net over all audiences and hope for the best. By being more specific about your target audience, you are able to tailor your marketing campaign to the right people and are much more likely to have interested people buy your product.


Avoiding The Worst Marketing Tropes