Calling ALL Entrepreneurs for Power Hour!


What is The Entrepreneur Power Hour?

Don’t you wish there was a social media platform or a show where entrepreneurs from all different professions and walks of life could gather? The idea of working for someone else and letting some control your destiny is no way to live your life. You might have tried different methods to become financially independent and none of them made you feel comfortable. Going from system to system and company to company just doesn’t seem like the way to create lasting connections or relationships. That is why two young entrepreneurs finally decided to make their own show and their own mark on the world. Thus the Entrepreneur Power Hour was born.

All entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs alike need something to get them going and keep them going on the tough road to their dreams. While this may sound like an old concept it’s an important one because you don’t want to get stuck doing something day in and day out that you have no love for or no connection to. Every week Kareem and Chris bring new and exciting personalities on our show with a simple goals of uniting them in hearts and minds by engaging them in a fun topic on a live event! If you are in any type of entrepreneurial pursuits or you are an established entrepreneur this is for you! All entrepreneurs need something to get them going and keep them going on the tough road to their dreams! That is why Kareem and Chris created the Entrepreneur Power Hour – a show every Saturday on Google Hangout on Air! The hosts invite all different types of entrepreneurs to the show so they can engage in open discussion to promote their critical thinking skills. This discussion really allows the participants to explore themselves and their beliefs. This is not just a show this is a true paradigm shift!


Why Are They Unique?

This is a different form of hangout / show than you are used to experiencing. This is not a hangout based around building a specific business, blog, or product. Kareem and Chris try to bring different topics and different ideas to the table each week dealing with a wide variety of topics to engage the audience and allow them to have fun in a judgement free environment (provided they are respectful).  The guests on the panel have ranged from seasoned veterans in multi-level marketing, Yogis, published authors, to Vice Presidents of companies, WordPress Gurus, amazing bloggers, and just people who are beginning their career. The Entrepreneur Power Hour is all about maximizing the variety of personalities and the variety of topics discussed so each show brings a new nugget of value each week. Imagine the people you will meet and the connections you can make in this environment! Now is the time to experience a show like no other on the internet!


Why Join The Power Hour?

This isn’t a strict business hangout – it’s a casual  and enlightening experience where entrepreneurs can let loose and be themselves without fear of judgement while simultaneously gaining knowledge from each other. This can benefit your happiness and your career as an entrepreneur by meeting new personalities and having fun every week!  Do you have the Entrepreneurial spirit? If you do, then this is the place to be! Do you have a funny story you want to share about your life? Then do it here! This is a place to grow, learn and have fun! You can also acquire the skills to build relationships and grow your team for your business!


How Can I Join?

You can join this revolution where people are changing their lives and having more fun in their entrepreneurial pursuits! The show airs every Saturday at 5 pm EST with a new topic and you can view it one of three ways.

  1. Go and view the The Entrepreneur Power Hour website and this week’s weekly topic.
  2. Go to The Entrepreneur Power Hour Google Plus page and give a follow so that you can check out the topic for this week!
  3. Go to the YouTube channel and subscribe, check out previous content and get details on the show airing for that week!!


This is your time to shine and to take massive action on your dreams. Don’t become discouraged and fearful, you are not alone on this journey. The entrepreneur power hour is here to guide you and to restore your faith in your greatness! Are you ready for a life changing experience? Come join the entrepreneur power!



Calling ALL Entrepreneurs for Power Hour!