When It Comes To Group Projects, Teamwork Alone Is Not Enough

None of the great achievements of business are the result of individual effort alone. Group effort is the way, every time, and this is something that many managers could benefit from remembering. When your team has a project to complete, you are probably keen to see certain kinds of results. For a start, you will want the project to be completed in good time. You will probably feel that it is necessary for it to be polished, to be finished off as well as possible. And we can safely assume that you don’t want it to cost a great deal of money. Achieving these disparate and apparently difficult aims can be a challenge – but with the right kind of cohesion between the individuals in your team, they can all be done.


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Agreed Goals & Methods


Much of the hard work is done long before the project has really got off the ground. Before you and your colleagues start to carry out the actual work necessary for a project’s completion, you need to all be agreed on the goals and methods that you will use. Having a clear agreement on goals ensures that everybody knows exactly what is to be achieved. It is both elementary and absolutely essential that this is the case, otherwise all sorts of results can come of it. By that same token, having an agreed methodology is a reliable safety buffer against the kind of negative result that comes from poor working. The whole team should agree on both the outcomes of the project and the means of achieving those outcomes. This is vital.


Structured Management


Sometimes, a manager may find themselves thinking that it would be a whole lot easier if teams could work together without any upper help. Those who can provide such help tend to be busy, and this can often mean that their assistance is sparse, hurried or unhelpfully vague. In fact, the management of a project should be put into the hands of someone who has the time to do it justice, and the inclination to see it through to completion. It is just as important that the management process is as structured as possible, as a more structured handling of the project leads to a more polished finished product. Software can often help in this regard – these examples you can see online from Avaza can be handy tools for ensuring a stronger project management.


Validation & Review


A good rule of thumb in all aspects of working life is to check your work. Just as the individual who checks their work is less likely to make mistakes and more likely to turn out polished, flawless work, a team whose project is thoroughly validated and reviewed is more likely to have achieved its diverse goals. For best results, the project should be checked by someone who is both experienced enough to be considered an expert and independent enough of the project itself that their views are not warped by unconscious bias. Often, the greatest difficulty at this stage of a project is finding the ideal person for review. But there is always someone, and it is worth spending the time looking for that saviour.

When It Comes To Group Projects, Teamwork Alone Is Not Enough