How To Stay Motivated When Start-Up Life Gets Tough

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If there’s one thing about being a start-up, it’s that life can be a rollercoaster. One minute, things are really working out for you and they’re going well. Then the next, you will see that you’re really starting to struggle. And it can be tough. Because although the highs can be great, and you’ll feel so proud of yourself and excited to keep going, the lows can often spoil that. Sometimes, when things aren’t going right and you’re faced with disasters, you may feel as if you just want to give up. Your motivation levels can be low and it may feel absolutely impossible to make this idea of your work. And it’s usually at this point that you need to motivate yourself to keep going. So let’s consider some ideas here.


Know What You’re Doing This For


So the very first thing that should always be able to keep you motivated, is knowing exactly what you’re doing this for. Because you are going to find that if you know you want to change your life, or change the world, that idea is going to help you to fuel yourself and stay focused even when you’re being tested.


Have Very Clearly Defined Goals


And then, you need to make sure that you have a very clear vision of what you want to achieve. It’s one thing to know why you’re doing this, but you need to know where you want to take it too. And this is where goals come in. If you set goals, you know what you’re working towards. You can then work out how you’re going to get there, track your progress, and you’ll be in the best position to make something out of this.


Have A Passion For What You’re Doing


But then, one of the biggest motivators of all is passion. If you do not love what you do, or what you’re doing, you will find that it’s hard to stay on track. Because it’s often true passion that allows you to keep working late into the night or to try and put things right when they’re going wrong. So make sure that you love the thing you’re building.


Look To The Right Role Models


One thing’s for sure, if you’re following the right people online, it’s going to help you to keep going. You need to find people in business that are doing the right things. There are so many entrepreneurs, like Nick Gross inspiring is kids, that you can follow. You can see their journey and use their actions to keep you inspired.


Find A Support Group


But not only that, you need to make sure that you have all of the right people around you to keep you motivated too. If you’re constantly surrounded by negative people, or people that don’t understand the start-up life, it can feel like you’re alone. So instead, you need to think about finding yourself a group of people that can support you through this and help to keep you motivated when things are tough.


How To Stay Motivated When Start-Up Life Gets Tough