One Week, Two Months, Five Years; Guarantee Your Business Always Grows


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Where do you want your business to be one week from today? Arguably, your goal for this type of time frame is going to be quite small. You perhaps are hoping to see a boost in your sales or maybe an increase in traffic to your website. How about a few months down the line? At this point, the Christmas season will be over, and you’re probably hoping for an excellent season of festive sales. This could be true for more industries than the toy market. For instance, if you run a business that sells heaters you could still hope for fantastic levels of sales. Five years into the future, you should be thinking a tad more ambitiously. Perhaps you want to open a new branch or your business or expand overseas. This is all about whether you can successfully grow your business.

Contrary to what many business owners believe, fast growth is not always the advantage that it first seems. If your business grows too quickly, you might not be able to handle the increased demand. Or, you may struggle with the pressure of increased costs. As such, you want your business to grow at a rate that doesn’t put too much pressure on your model. Let’s look at some of the ways you can encourage growth.

Seek Out Investors

If you think your business has commercial market potential, you should consider appealing to investors. Entering a trade show is one the best ways to do this. Here, you can all but guarantee that investors will be sniffing around for a great new opportunity. If you convince them, this is what your business offers then you can win a new cash injection for your company. You can use that injection to charter the five-year growth plan for your company. Remember though to do this, you’ll need to be able to show how your company can be a success. Your plan should be clear and simple with a direct way that it could benefit your investors.

Check Your Marketing

If we’re thinking about growing your business in the short term, we need to examine how successful your promotion is. Poor promotion will lead to low sales and a reduction in interest for your company. Online, this will probably display as limitations in online traffic reaching your site. The key here is to make sure that you are keeping check of the performance of your business by looking at metrics. For each industry, these metrics will be unique. For instance, if you are measuring SAAS growth metrics you’ll need to look at things like annualized run rate and booking. Another business might be more interested in looking at how well a product is trending across social media.

Take Risks

Finally, if you want your business to grow you must be willing to make a few gambles. If you simply play by the rules and take a measured approach, you won’t succeed. At least, not at the level that you were hoping for when you started your business. With calculated risks, you may find that you get more chances for growth than you are seeing right now.


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One Week, Two Months, Five Years; Guarantee Your Business Always Grows